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WMRTS is an indie gaming project started in 2011 and inspired by the universe of Total Annihilation. The aim of the project is to develop a RTS game with a high number of unities, a moderate balancing between factions and many huge maps where great battles can be fought within both single missions and campaigns. WMRTS is based on the open source engine SPRING ENGINE. We want to thank the SPRING community for their massive coding efforts and for their support. In this blog you will be able to follow every step of the project’s development. WMRTS project never stop!

Here a list of works carried out by WMRTS Team:

  • Remodel and Retexturing major original TA units;
  • Create maps or incorporate retextured/remodelled Spring RTS community maps. Eventually use some original Spring RTS community maps;
  • Create a basic interface menu (client) that will be used to launch the single player game in Windows;
  • Create direct connect multiplayer game;
  • Improve user account (rank system, clan system, battles records etc)
  • Launch the beta version.

Here a TO-DO list:

  • Finishing EUF and AND faction;
  • Making of singleplayer/multiplayer campaigns and missions;
  • Build an online server & application;
  • Improve the starting menu launcher (client) introducing multiplayer cooperative mode and PvP gameplay;
  • Build an online campaign (MMORPG – like build your base, attack enemy base, and defend yourself).

And Here a Maintenance works:

  • Adding new units and factions, improve textures of the existent units adding details, lights, specular textures, weapons’ effects, etc.
  • Improve map textures, add objects on map (like trees, rocks, structures etc.);
  • Correct bugs;